Friday, March 12, 2010

Another year, and I am still the same!

With the start of the year, I promised myself to engage in activities I have never been, try something new and be productive. First quarter of 2010 is almost over but it seems I can't figure out still how am I going to fulfill this promise. Another year, and I am still the same, can't focus on things I want to do. I tried to be productive as I can everyday but it seems I am going nowhere. I envy my friends who has wish list at the start of the year and trying to fullfill this wish list as good as they can. Can I still fulfill my promise?

I know within myself I have to change something, I know I don't need to be reminded over and over with the promise. I need to start from somewhere, but how? I told with someone before that I don't plan because I take them as they come to me, when asked regarding my future plans. But it seems I need to break this rule and have that plans written all over my bedroom walls. Am I just lazy or I am just a typical person who can't focus on my goals?

Now, I am laying out my simple goals for me to be reminded always:
1. Get out of my comfort zone - still I haven't done anything new. That trying to learn how to swim is still a big question "WHEN" for me as well as engaging in sports. I know the environment I am within now have something to do with this so I have a consolation.
2. Be productive. At the end of the day I have done something worthy. That includes blogging!!!
3. Eat healthy and have a daily exercise. Reduce my weight to 50kls.
4. Clean my room and keep it organize always.
5. Meet someone interesting.

I hope I could keep up to this simple goals always. The more serious goals have already set and I don't need to write it down I just need to do it.


Unknown said...

Hello badong. Don't worry, I think this is normal. The feeling is mutual.hehe.

Unknown said...

Don't worry badong I think it is just normal. The feeling is mutual.Maybe a jump start is necessary.

jbsantos said...

yeah, a jumpstart is badly needed.....uhuhu

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